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We know everyone is eager to get the game schedules, and we appreciate your patience during this time. Here’s the latest update:
📅 The county is finalizing the schedule, and we expect the first two weeks of games to be published by tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding as they manage changes—no fewer than 12 teams have added or dropped, which has required redoing divisions and schedules.
🔴 **Please do NOT contact the county for schedules.** They have been overwhelmed with parent phone calls, and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
🗓️ **Reminder:** Games are set to begin the weekend of September 6 and 7.
📋 **Coaches:** You can now start uploading rosters into the portal. Parents, please complete the necessary forms as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support and patience as we work together to kick off a great season! ⚽